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Chocolate Fudge cake

Chocolate Fudge cake
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Welcome to Hot Pan Pizza Takeaway online food ordering website!

Craving a delicious and satisfying meal? Look no further – we are your ultimate destination for mouthwatering pizzas, tantalising pasta dishes, and scrumptious burgers. Situated at 1242 Coventry Road, B25 8BJ in Birmingham, our dedicated team is committed to bringing you an unforgettable dining experience.

At Hot Pan Pizza Takeaway, we take pride in serving the finest quality ingredients made with love and attention to detail. Our expert chefs craft each pizza individually, ensuring every bite is bursting with flavour. But our love for Italian cuisine doesn't stop at pizzas. Our pasta dishes are cooked with the same level of care and attention. And if you're looking for something a bit heartier, our mouthwatering burgers are sure to hit the spot. Made with tender meat, fresh buns, and a variety of toppings, our burgers are unlike anything you've ever tasted.

We understand that convenience is key, which is why we offer both collection and delivery services. If you're in the mood to stay home and relax, our delivery drivers will ensure that your piping hot meal arrives at your doorstep quickly and efficiently.

We are proud to announce Hot Pan Pizza has joined Mealzo online food ordering portal. Order from the Mealzo Website and get an extra £3 discount on orders over £15!

So, why wait? Indulge in the flavours of Italy with Hot Pan Pizza Takeaway. Explore our menu and place your online order today. Feel like picking up the phone to order? No problem! Call us on 0121 680 0083.We look forward to serving you soon!